Version: | $Revision: 1.8 $ |
Author: | thanos vassilakis |
Document url: | |
Contact: | |
Feed-back: | |
Copyright: | thanos vassilakis 2001,2002 |
Contributions: | Ming Huang and Vadim Shaykevich. |
$Id: pso-guide.html,v 1.8 2003/01/03 17:25:06 thanos Exp $ |
- servicing requests
- session handling
- template parsing
for the following reasons:
a cgi | a mod_python script | |||
#!/usr/bin python2.1 def testHandler(): print "content-type: text/html" print print "hello world" if __name__ == '__main__': testHandler() |
from mod_python import apache def testHandler(req): req.send_http_header() req.write( "hello world") return apache.OK |
The above programs rewritten in pso | ||||
Test: [ mod_python test ]
- servicing requestshasInputs(self, *keys)
- tests if a field or fields in the form were filled.getInputs(self, key=None)
- which given a key
will return a list of all the values associated with this key
. If none exits it will return an empty list. When getInputs()
is called a cgi.FieldStorage
object is returned.getInput(self, key, default=None, index=None)
returns the given form field value as a string. If there are multiple values under the same key
, it will return the first in the list, unless index
is given. If no value is found will return "", unless default
is given.#!/usr/bin/env python2.1 from pso.service import ServiceHandler, OK def testInput(serviceRequest): if serviceRequest.hasInput("submit"): name = serviceRequest.getInput("name") options = ",".join(serviceRequest.getInputs("option")) print """<pre> name: %s, options: %s </pre>""" % (name, options) else: print """ <form > <input name="name"> <input name="option" value="alpha" type="checkbox">alpha <input name="option" value="omega" type="checkbox">omega <input type="hidden" name="test" value="input"> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit"> </form> """ return OK if __name__ == '__main__': ServiceHandler().run(testInput)
emulates the CGI standard, and these variables are available through ServiceRequest.getEnvrion(self, key=None, default=None)
that takes a key
and either returns a string or default
. If no key is given a dictionary is returned of these variables.#!/usr/bin/env python2.1 from pso.service import ServiceHandler, OK def testEnviron(serviceRequest): print "<ul>" for keyValue in serviceRequest.getEnviron().items(): print "<li>%s: %s" % keyValue print "</ul>" return OK if __name__ == '__main__': ServiceHandler().run(testEnviron)
Here is an example: [ - mod_python test ]
#!/usr/bin/env python2.1 from pso.service import ServiceHandler, OK def testCookie(serviceRequest): if not serviceRequest.getCookie("MyTest"): print 'setting cookie "MyTest" to "is Tasty" reload to see this cookie' serviceRequest.setCookie('MyTest','is Tasty') print"<ul>" for cookieValue in serviceRequest.getCookies().items(): print "<li>%s: %s" % cookieValue print "</ul>" return OK __name__ == '__main__': ServiceHandler().run(testCookie)
makes file uploading very easy. It offers the method ServiceRequest.getFile(self, key)
that returns a PSOFields
object, a subclass of cgi.Field
. The return object has all some additional member fields:
- the original file's name
- a file object holding the actual file
- is None until the member method keep()
is called. keep()
- For each uploaded file the python standard cgi
library opens a temporary file and immediately deletes (unlinks) it. The
trick (on Unix!) is that the file can still be used, but it can't be opened
by any other process, and it will automatically be deleted when it is closed
or when the current process terminates. keep()
gives this temporary a new temporary name. This is especially useful for forms that have a confirmation
- renames an uploaded file.
#!/usr/bin/env python2.1 def testUpload(serviceRequest): if serviceRequest.hasInputs('file'): file = serviceRequest.getFile('file') file.keep() print """ <form > Save As: <input name="saveAs" type="text" > <input name="tempfile" type="hidden" value="%s"> <input name="test" type="hidden" value="upload"> </form> """ % file.tempname elif serviceRequest.hasInputs('saveAs'): tempFile = serviceRequest.getInput('tempfile') saveAs = serviceRequest.getInput( 'saveAs') import os print "renaming", tempFile, 'to', '/tmp/'+saveAs os.rename(tempFile, '/tmp/'+saveAs) print """ DONE - Thankyou """ else: print """ <form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST"> file: <input name="file" type="file" > <input name="test" type="hidden" value="upload"> <input name="action" type="submit" value="Upload"> </form>""" return OK if __name__ == '__main__': ServiceHandler().run(testUpload)
Here is an example: [ - mod_python test ]
#!/usr/bin/env python2.1 from pso.service import ServiceHandler,OK def testRedirect(serviceRequest): url = serviceRequest.getInput('url') if not url: print """ <form > Redirect to : <input name="url" type="text" size=40"> <input name="test" type="hidden" value="redirect"> </form>""" else: serviceRequest.redirect(url) return OK if __name__ == '__main__': ServiceHandler().run(testRedirect)
always sets the return status to 200
. When invoking redirect, pso will set the status code to either 301
or 302
. To set the code explicitly you have a choice of invoking:
sendStatus(self, status)
- this immediately sends the status code and terminates you handler. setStatus(self, status)
- this sets the status code but your request handler will continue execution.
Here is an example: [ - mod_python test ]
#!/usr/bin/env python2.1 from pso.service import ServiceHandler,OK def testStatus(serviceRequest): import time print time.asctime() if not serviceRequest.hasInput('status'): print """ <form> <input name="status" type="text" size=3" maxsize=3> <input name="test" type="hidden" value="status"> </form>""" else: status = serviceRequest.getInput('status', '204') serviceRequest.sendStatus(status) return OK if __name__ == '__main__': ServiceHandler().run(testRedirect)
sets many headers (status, content_type, cookie), and it is easy to do using :
setHeaderOut(self, key, value)
- replaces the header entry with the same key.
addHeaderOut(self, key, value)
- adds the header entry.
Here is an example: [ - mod_python test ]
#!/usr/bin/env python2.1 from pso.service import ServiceHandler,OK def testHeaderOut(serviceRequest): if serviceRequest.hasInputs('url','target'): serviceRequest.setHeaderOut('Window-target', serviceRequest.getInput('target')) print "<ul>" table = serviceRequest.getHeadersOut() for k in table.keys(): print "<li>",k, table[k] print "</ul>" print serviceRequest.getInput('message') else: print """ WIndow target seems to only work with netscape, please try and let us know. <form> target: <input name="target" type="text" > message: <input name="message" type="text" size=50 > <input type="hidden" name="test" value="headerOut"> <input name="action" type="submit" value="write to target"> </form>""" __name__ == '__main__': ServiceHandler().run(testHeaderOut)
CGI | mod_python |
SetEnv PSOLog=/path/to/some/Log |
PythonOption PSOLog=/path/to/some/Log |
also has a member function log(self, *listToPost)
that will post a line to the log starting with a timestamp then followed
by the parameters in listToPost.
Here is an example: [ - mod_python test ]
#!/usr/bin/env python2.1 from pso.service import ServiceHandler, OK class ErrorToBeLogged(Exception): pass class ErrorForTraceBack(Exception): pass def testError(serviceRequest): print "<pre>" try: raise ErrorToBeLogged() except ErrorToBeLogged, e: serviceRequest.log('just caught this error:', e.__class__, "<br>") try: raise ErrorForTraceBack() except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() import os print os.popen("tail -50 /tmp/psotestlog").read() return OK __name__ == '__main__': ServiceHandler().run(testError)
a set of member methods to make things easy for you:
- TODO. buildUri(self, parts, clean, **kws)
serviceUri(self, clean=1, **kws)
request has a session object. getSession()
retrieves it. It is a mutable dictionary whose contents is saved between invocations of the request handler. The document Easy mod_python session handling using pso.session or Easy CGI session handling using pso.session describe session handling with pso
in greater detail.
Here is an example: [ - mod_python test ]
#!/usr/bin python2.1 from pso.service import ServiceHandler, OK def testSession(serviceRequest): session = serviceRequest.pso().session try: session['reloads'] +=1 except: session['reloads'] =0 print "<br>hello World! ~ Your number of reloads: %(reloads)d ~ Try Reload !" % session print "<br>session: %s" % session.__dict__ return OK if __name__ == '__main__': ServiceHandler().run(testSession)
- template parsingpso
parser will process any file, looking for sgml tags.
On parsing a template
the pso parser generates a renderer object tree. This tree is saved with
the templates name plus the extension ".pso". Until the template
is changed again the compiled version of the template is used. The quest often asked is why SGML and not XML:
We found that with sites and services we developed the designers would create html templates. These templates were often not cannonical. The designers used many tricks to create their desired effect. It proved impossible to use the standard available XML parsers on non standard markups. Hence we have tried to make the parser as robust as posible.
<pso pso="tagpackage.tagmodule:SomeTagClass" />or
<input pso="tagpackage.tagmodule:MyInput" />or
<tagpackage.tagmodule:SomeTagClass />The first is much faster to parse. As you can probably guess the tags name includes the package path terminated by the module name, followed by a semi-colon and then the class that is responsible to render the tag. The second lets you lace existing tags, typically HTML with your own renderer. The third form lets you parse existing pages (XML, or for screen scraping and robot type activities). The pso parser (as will be shown below) can be used to parse any sgml tag such as
<a href="" >a great web site</a>Tag names can be any valid entity name, only pso is reserved. As you can see pso tags don't have to be singlets and can be written as:
<pso pso="tagpackage.tagmodule:SomeTagClass" > what ever you want </ tagpackage.tagmodule:SomeTagClass>They can be nested - this is not the case of most templating systems.
Your Favourite Drink: <form pso="mytags:DrinkPoll"> Water: <input type=radio pso="questionaire:Drink" /><br> Beer: <input type=radio pso="questionaire:Drink" /><br> </form>The tags can have attributes.
<pso pso="mytags:DbTextField" table="clients" />
, implement an render member method that returns a String or None. The default tree renderer invokes the Tag object itself. So if you use the default renderer you need to just overwrite __call__. Your render method will usually return a string.
from pso.parser import Tag class Welcome(Tag): def __call__(self, renderer, cdata=''): if not loggedIn(): return self.getAttrs()['default'] return "Welcome %s" % getName()The parameter renderer is the visitor who traverses the object tree invoking the objects render method. The parameter cdata is the pre-parsed and rendered data between the beginning of this tag and its end. So using this tag
<pso pso="mytags:Welcome" intro="Welcome %s" >Please Login</pso>and the code below have the same effect as the previous example.
from pso.parser import Tag class Welcome(Tag): def __call__(self, renderer, cdata=''): if not loggedIn(): return cdata return self.getAttrs()['intro'] % getName()
tags are instantiated with their attributes as their constructors parameters. So you could do:from pso.parser import Tag class MyWelcome(Welcome): def __init__(self, **attrs): attrs.setdefault('intro','have a good time: %s') Welcome.__init__(self, **attrs)The above example really shows the power of the OO model of
class MyForm(Tag): def validator(self, obj, cdata): if obj: try: obj.validate() except ValidationError, e: self.errors.append(e) def preProcess(self): self.errors = [] self.traverse(self.validator)
parserfrom pso.parser import Parser tree = Parser().parseFile('some_template.html')This means that in persistent http systems you only have to parse a template once. Then on each request just render the object tree:
from pso.parser import Parser from pso.service import ServiceHandler tree = Parser().parseFile('template.html') def testParser(serviceRequest): print tree.render() if __name__ == '__main__': ServiceHandler().run(testParser)Parsing a template only once is a terrific saving in processing time.
The Parser
constructor can take a useful parameter:
parser = Parser(This allows the parser to recognize tags such as:defaultModule="html" )
<a href="">sourceforge</a>and write code such as this:
#mypackages/ from pso.parser import Parser, Tag class a(Tag): def __call__(self, cdata=''): href = self.getAttrs().get('href') if href: return """%s [<a href="%s">%s</a>]""" % ( cdata, href, href) class A(a): pass psoParser = Parser(defaultModule=a.__module__)When you parse a template there are several parameters you can pass to the parser:
Parser.parseFile(self, filePath, oPath=''", noCache=0, reload=0, allTags=0)
- is the template.
- this is the directory where the pso files (object trees) are saved.
- setting cache to 1 sets the creation and use of saved object trees. By default this is set to 0. Normally if you are using <pso> style tags parsing a template can be as fast as pickling and unpickling the object trees. When you are in the process of development you will be doing changes to your code that wont be reflected in the template resulting in some serious waste of debugging time. In a well set up system, or when you are parsing very complex templates or non <pso> style tags setting cache to 1 will give you some gains.
- if reload is set then each time a tag is being
parsed its module will be imported, and reloaded. By default module
is only imported the first time. When you are debugging and developing
it is a good idea to set reload on.
- from pso.parser import Parser, Tag class a(Tag): def __call__(self, cdata=''): href = self.getAttrs().get('href') if href: return """%s [<a href="%s">%s</a>]""" % ( cdata, href, href) class A(a): pass psoParser = Parser(defaultModule=a.__module__) tree = pso.parseFile(template, taglevel=2) print tree.render()
treedef renderer(self, object, cdata=''): if not object: return cdata return object(self, cdata)Used with the default render method this renderer will replace the tag with the result of the tags render method. As parameters a renderer method must accept the object to be rendered and the cdata (if any) that is between the start and end tags. What the render does with the tag is your choice!
This renderer just returns the cdata
def renderer(self, object, cdata=''): if not object: return cdataThis one just returns the doc of on the tag:
def renderer(self, object, cdata=''): if object: return object.__doc__
By default the return values of the visitor are concatinated. Again you can do things differently if you need to:
import sys from pso.parser import Parser class TagDocumentor: def document(self, object, cdata=''): if object: self.documentation += '\t<td>%s</td><dd>%s<dd><br>\n' % (object.__class__, object.__class__.__doc__) def do(self, infile): self.documentation ='"" psoParser = Parser() psoTree = psoParser.parseFile(infile) psoTree.render(self.document) print "<dl>%s</dl>" if __name__ =="__main__": TagDocumentor().do(sys.argv[1])
This concludes our quick guide to pso. Please take a look at our pso-example as it shows you how to build a pretty usable site in about one hour!
B.T.W We really welcome any questions:
should be installed using Distutils which comes standard with python 1.6.
and up
$ mkdir ~/public_html/psotest
$ mkdir ~/public_html/psotest/templates
$ wget or for MS lovers: [] $ tar zvfx current.tgz
$ cd pso-XX/ $ python2.1 install --install-purelib=~/public_html/testpso
#.htaccess for testing pso using CGI # # Options ExecCGI directs apache to allow cgi's to be run from this directory. # AddHandler cgi-script .py treat any .py file as a script #SetEnv PSOServiceId MyPSOTest names session cookie as MyPSOtest Options ExecCGI Indexes AddHandler cgi-script .cgi SetEnv PSOServiceId MyPSOTest
#!/usr/bin/env python2.1 # from pso.service import ServiceHandler def testHandler(serviceRequest): print "hello world" if __name__ == '__main__': ServiceHandler().run(testHandler)Now we will set the file permissions, and do the link:
$ chmod a+x $ ln test.cgiand try it from the command line, should give you this:
python:~/public_html/testpso# ./test.cgi set-cookie: SESSION_ID=@60123.0SESSION_ID; content-type: text/html hello world python:~/public_html/testpso#Now lets try it using a browser:
directory somewhere in the python PATH or to the directory of your request handler.